Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Welcome to the Social Yakwork

One day last year just as the last of the summer cider was draining, unbeknownst to each other, we all woke up one morning thinking 'just where on earth IS Mongolia?'

Others had found out. Some had reported back. Stories were circulating of how a few had even driven there, occasionally keeping all four wheels on the ground at the same time. We delved deeper. Strange pictures of wrestlers and yaks appeared, of camels with TWO humps not one, and a mighty place called the Gobi. It was the stuff of legend. Genghis Khan had sown his wild oats across it, and the plague was still alive and well and living on a marmot (more of them later..)We decided we must see this place for ourselves, to see that it did exist just like Timbuktu and Brigadoon.

But none of us had a team. The offers to join were met with indecision, fear and back-packing duties elsewhere. Until a bright spark called Josh sent out a message for fellow drivers to help him push an ambulance up a big road. And so a team was born complete with an Australian. Our Yak-Pack grew - there was Katie, then Alison, then Adam, then James. Then Adam had to leave to become a drummer in a bar in Nepal. Then Matt arrived, promising to build bridges and cook. Then Katie alas had to resign Yak duties. It was a tough call to make. But we continue on. For this is about being 'Between a Yak and a Hard Place'.


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